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We Honour and Celebrate the Life of
Dr R. Meredith Belbin 
4th June 1926 - 6th March 2025

"I think we've always been striving to find a way of helping people to work together. When people work in effective combinations they achieve so much more than when they're working alone. But to do that, we need a language, and it needs to be a language which is shared and enables people to communicate with one another."

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Belbin Singapore

Team Coaching


Dr Philip Merry

Coaching Teams for

41 years in 63 countries

Team Profiling System


 1. Maximise EACH PERSON's
Contribution To Team Success
2. Empower the WHOLE TEAM's

Ability to Work Together 

Independent Consultants

Enhance your Consulting Practice - become an Accredited Belbin Team Role Consultant

Business Leaders & HR Practitioners

Build Effective Global Teams & increase Workplace Productivity & Synergy by focusing on Team Strengths​

Self-Leadership for Individuals

Develop your Self-Leadership, Strengths/Weakness Awareness & Build a

Successful Career


Belbin Singapore is Regional Representative for Belbin in Singapore. Belbin Singapore is owned by Philip Merry Consulting Group Pte Ltd -  a Singapore Global Team and Leadership Consulting Company.


  • Building Multi-Cultural Global Teams

  • Building Brain AND Heart Partnership through Synchronicity Intuition

  • Global Leadership

  • Transforming Lives through Habit and Mindset Change

  • Global Cultural Intelligence




We Work with Teams and Leaders to help Build Partnership, Peace and Prosperity in Multi-Cultural Teams leading to Outstanding Results.


BELBIN SINGAPORE ​ programs are based on the principle that the role of teams and leaders is to set a stage where “synchronistic miracles” can occur and where people can become their best authentic self.


Let us know what you're looking for. We're HAPPY to help!

Over the phone or online


+65 9728 0419

Level 58, Republic Plaza, 9 Raffles Place.
Singapore 048619

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