Discover Your Authentic Self
Know and Live your Whole-Hearted Authentic Self
Many people choose a career and a life without linking those choices to knowledge about their unique AUTHENTIC WHY and end up feeling trapped. They soldier on often for years without fully achieving joy or happiness or excellence in life or at work.
The time has come to break that cycle and get clear about your AUTHENTIC WHY.
By AUTHENTIC WHY we mean that unique sense of purpose that gets you out of bed each morning and is the driving force behind WHY you do things in your life. We call it the TGIM (Thank God its Monday) attitude.
This powerful workshop will help you explore life influences and decisions that have made you who you are today, and by completing a 360 personal profile also understand what colleagues and friends think about your authentic self and its link to your AUTHENTIC WHY. By understanding past influences and how others see you now, and linking this to powerful input on what true authenticity means, you will begin to put together a picture of how you want to live your life from now on. With a short and long term AUTHENTIC WHY plan you will leave the workshop with clarity and confidence about how to put into practice the life you always wanted to lead.
What made you who you are today: assessment of life influences
What is authenticity and how does it link to your AUTHENTIC WHY?
Receive a Personal 360° profile to get clear on how do others see you
Clarify understanding of how to live your AUTHENTIC WHY
Develop an AUTHENTIC WHY Plan
The role of Synchronicity and intuition in finding your AUTHENTIC WHY
Clarity on the different types of life influences that have made you who
Discover your Authentic self and your AUTHENTIC WHY
Clarify how being your true self helps with career and life choices
Understand and assess the influences that have made you who you are today
Ensure your work career is built around your unique AUTHENTIC WHY
Understand what your friends and colleagues see as the authentic you
Use your Intuition and be more open to Synchronicity
Walk away with a plan to be and live your AUTHENTIC WHY
Workshop method will be experiential, interactive, responsive and practical and include: creative learning exercises, group discussions and exercises, individual reflection and self-assessment, behavioural feedback from facilitator and peers, short theory inputs. The workshop is designed to enable participants to understand how they view themselves, others perceive them, and master new skills so that they can transfer the learning directly to improving effectiveness in life and work.
Anyone who:
needs to take time out and take a long hard look at their life, work, relationships and career and re-assess where they are heading
would like to be more fulfilled in life by discovering and becoming more of who they were born to be
anyone who wants to refine their AUTHENTIC WHY
Philip specialises in helping individuals and teams discover their true self and function at their best. Philip has worked with individuals and teams in some of the world’s best known organisations including at working with senior country and global teams with United Nations.. Originally a UK Certified Family Therapist and Marriage Counsellor by profession, since 1980 he has been a leadership trainer, consultant and has conducted workshops in 59 countries. Born in UK, Philip has lived in Singapore since 1990. He was once a London taxi driver.